Why you should have a secondary logo

Do you really need more than one logo? Here are some things to consider when making this decision:

First off: What is a secondary logo?

What you think of as “a logo” is often the primary logo. It is the first version of your logo and often the most used/prefered version of your brand image. The secondary logo is just that – the second version. Often used in areas your primary logo is less effective.

Why have a second version of your logo?

Diversifying the reach of your branding is important. This allows your logo – primary or secondary to work wherever, whenever. Olé! Rearanging your primary logo allows your brand to fit into a variety of environments.

Additional Thoughts:

When displaying multiple brand elements together, just your logo can feel repetitive. A secondary logo and brand iconography/a mark can help break up the monotony.

A great example is the primary + secondary logos I created for Honest Eye (above). In this case, the secondary logo is a text only version of the first logo. On small icon displays such as their Instagram profile, the icon works best. On professional documents, the secondary logo is clean, but beautiful and branded. All elements work well together, and apart, as a full brand package.

Feeling stuck with only a logo in your branding? Brand with me to make sure all your bases are covered.

designed by kelly brito